CocoonGT 2006, all done

ComputingOpen Source

Back from another Cocoon Get Together.

Many thanks to Arje and his team for another great GT. His introductory speech about the productivity of vegetarian Cocoon developers was absolutely hilarious !!!!

Ross and I gave a talk on using LDAP from within Cocoon ……. it seems the timing was just right for some people, I had 7 different conversations with people who are about to do this, after the talk …… good luck guys !!!

Bertrand was kind enough to call our talk the best of the conference, but then went on to say he was biased :-) I thought his talk about stringing Solr + SVN + WebDAV together to make a “poor man’s” CMS was extremely cool.

You can see the photos here and the slides here. Ross posted some tips for large-scale LDAP deployments here (Ross and I will be updating our slides to contain full notes in the next few days, plus we will add our sample app for LDAP to the Naming Block.)

Many thanks to Sena and Hui for putting me up while I was in Amsterdam ……. sorry I did not see more of you guys, but the Cocoon Geeks are so demanding :-)